Only by re-catechising &
re-evangelising ourselves can
we become faithful Catholics striving to
be more faithful to Christ and, through
this, begin to evangelise the world
once again.
re-evangelising ourselves can
we become faithful Catholics striving to
be more faithful to Christ and, through
this, begin to evangelise the world
once again.
1. It is about re-catechising &
re-evangelising ourselves so that we
truly understand who Christ is, why He
came, and why He is the reason for
our hope.
2. It is about engaging with God more
than once a week at Mass so that we
start entering into discipleship
with Christ.
3. It is about encouraging us to engage
with the Gospel rather than be a
by-stander. To do this we must start to
'put aside our old self' (Ephesians 4:22).
We must learn to be 'in the world, but not
of the world'.
3. It is about encouraging us to pray and
read the scriptures to discover what
God's plan is for us in our lives.
read the scriptures to discover what
God's plan is for us in our lives.
4. It is about rejecting personal
interpretation of scripture and Church
teaching and trusting that Christ's
promise concerning the protection of
His Church is true. It is also about
understanding that the Holy Spirit guides
the teaching of Christ's Catholic
Church at all times.
5. It encourages us to pray everyday,
morning and night. However, beyond
this it encourages Catholics to keep
speaking to Him, throughout the day,
so that He also becomes a central
part of our life.
4. It is about rejecting personal
interpretation of scripture and Church
teaching and trusting that Christ's
promise concerning the protection of
His Church is true. It is also about
understanding that the Holy Spirit guides
the teaching of Christ's Catholic
Church at all times.
5. It encourages us to pray everyday,
morning and night. However, beyond
this it encourages Catholics to keep
speaking to Him, throughout the day,
so that He also becomes a central
part of our life.
6. It encourages Catholics to attend
Adoration. Here we can contemplate
the Body, Blood, Soul, & Divinity of
Our Lord Jesus Christ made fully
present in the Holy Eucharist.
7. It encourages young & adult
Catholics to return to the Sacrament
of Confession, but also not to take part
in communion when we are in a state of
mortal sin. Your relationship will become
deeper with Christ the more you
reconcile yourself to His Father.
Adoration. Here we can contemplate
the Body, Blood, Soul, & Divinity of
Our Lord Jesus Christ made fully
present in the Holy Eucharist.
7. It encourages young & adult
Catholics to return to the Sacrament
of Confession, but also not to take part
in communion when we are in a state of
mortal sin. Your relationship will become
deeper with Christ the more you
reconcile yourself to His Father.

8. It encourages us to explore the
Catechism of the Catholic Church and
read the lives of the Saints so that we
can become well versed in Catholic
teaching. This is essential for building
up our own faith, and for the building
up the Church.
9. It encourages us to surrender ourselves
to Christ so that we can accomplish what
God wants most for us in our lives. It
also encourages us to be available to
God at every moment so that He can
work through us, so that we are able to
minister to & evangelise others.
10. It highlights the fact that even the
smallest reference to faith, in a
conversation to a non-believer, is crucial.
Despite it appearing insignificant, it may
very well be a small link in a long chain
of events that will eventually lead
someone to God.
11. It encourages you to discover a
'reason for your hope in Christ' so that
when it comes to actually speaking to a
non-believer you will be able to...
them of the hope you have
within you'.
1 PETER 3:15
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